So, as it turns out I'm a rubbish blogger. Who knew? (people who subscribed to my last blog, hush now) So this is another catch up post! I promise I'll get better. And I haven't got my fingers crossed behind my back or anything.
15. Cook 10 things from a recipe
This month I've been meal planning in an effort to eat better. Nothing fancy, spag bol, sausage casserole that kind of thing. I googled for ideas and found a recipe for
Spanish Rice on netmums that we tried. It was lovely and easy and I'll definitely make it again.
16. Bake once a month
A while ago I was seduced into buying
novelty shaped cupcake cases in John Lewis. I hadn't had chance to try them out until last week when Lydia had her class dog to stay (not a real dog, they'd have had no hope of her going near one of those never mind having her picture taken with it!) We had to do lots of 'fun' things with him so Lydia could write in his diary. So, chocolate cupcakes it was!

26. Wear make up, just because
Today I am wearing make up and the most exciting place I went was Morrisons. That's definitely just because!
28. Give away all the books that won't be read
I've had a big clearout of all my books. We've got nowhere for bookshelves so they're just gathering dust under the bed. I've kept the ones I love and the ones I'll read again then I've put 2 huge boxes in the cellar for carboot season. There were some baby books that I wanted to get rid of but I didn't really want to sell (I have no idea why, I think it's the idea of people trying to haggle over the price of things that mean something to me) so I packaged them up and sent them to my lovely friend Laura who is expecting her first baby. I hope they're as helpful to her as they were to me. (I binned the unhelpful, Gina Ford type ones long ago!)
35. Throw away 10 things from each room
This month I blitzed the bathroom where I threw out lots and lots of half used shampoos and things. I also cleared my bedroom, as well as shifting all the books out I chucked handbags and shoes and made a big ebay pile.
47. Release a balloon with a message on a label
When a kind man in Clinton Cards gave the girls a balloon each we decided to attach a label to one and let it go. Now I have to decide whether I should write her a letter myself or wait and see if someone really finds it and writes to us!

65. Text or email a friend every month
One of my oldest friends is pregnant and I sent her a quick text to say hi and that I hope she's doing ok.
84. Have a pro photo taken of Charlotte
Tried. Failed. She hates men, including photographers. We'll try again in a couple of months!
96. Be strict and delete all the rubbish photos
Tried. Failed miserabley. I looked at the first file and I couldn't delete any! There are 30 photos. All 30 are rubbish. Complete crap. I still couldn't bear to delete them. They're more than just photos, they're moments in time, moments I'll never get back. I'll buy a hard drive.
97. Get copies of all the old photos and make an album
My mum gave me some photos of me that were from the albums she took from my nana and grandad's house when my nana died. I bought an album and put them in (this is very good going for me, I have drawers of photos and drawers of albums. They rarely meet.)